The Visionary
Dr. Gregory L. Pollard, Senior Pastor/Teacher

The Visionary Leader of The Enon Church, Dr. Gregory L. Pollard, has served as the senior Pastor/Teacher for 24 years. At the start, the membership boasted approximately 165 members; however, due to growth within the community, congregational membership grew to exceed over 2,300. Dr. Pollard has been modest when talking of membership and numbers because his God ordained vision has not been to focus on the gathering of congregants, but to instill the reverence of God in individual lives that would result in CHANGE.

To support his vision of building a new edifice with multiple amenities that would meet the needs of both the members and the community, tireless efforts and sacrifices went forth towards the purchase of 26 acres of land and the construction of a 1,000 seat sanctuary. The first phase of the vision was completed in 2004 within the realm of the 132nd anniversary of the church and within the shadows of the historical landmark known to many as Enon Baptist Church. The vision continues as Dr. Pollard make plans to purchase additional land, construct a full balcony, erect a multifunctional gymnatorium, build a billowing family life center and create a learning center built on the standards of excellence.

As Dr. Pollard strives to make strong community impact through multiple outreach ministries while becoming intricately involved within the lives of many, The Enon Church has been availed to advance the Kingdom. Nestled within the metropolitan Atlanta area of South Fulton County, Enon has been utilized as a metropolis within the city of College Park by hosting various programs, conferences, workshops and seminars.

The late Tommy Henry Carter and the late Jessie Lee Pollard reared a warrior for the Lord. At the tender age of seven, a young Gregory joined Tabernacle Baptist Church where he began preaching the Gospel at the age of fifteen and where he also received his first ministry assignment as Youth Pastor. His dedication allotted him a promotion which transitioned into the position of Assistant Pastor.

While a student at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, the burgeoning adult Gregory L. Pollard fostered a dedication to both God and the church. Overflowing with a vision, he cultivated the philosophy, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, for with God, all things are possible.” Because of his adaptation of this philosophy, numerous awards have been bestowed upon him which include but are not limited to: memberships with the Concerned Citizens of Atlanta, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, The Butler Street YMCA, City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department Board of Directors, Appointee to the Atlanta Gospel Forum, Chaplain of DeKalb County, Joseph E. Boone Memorial Foundation Board of Directors, and Spiritual Advisor to the Gloria Watts-Cox Foundation.

Under the leadership of Dr. Pollard, countless efforts are made to address a global mission of spiritual, social, cultural, and economic integration. As an exemplary model with excellent communication skills his sermons and speeches are clear, concise and profound. Through various genres, his adaptations are used in many facets to Advance the Kingdom. A very sought after speaker, Dr. Pollard demonstrates his oral articulation by delivering influential and powerful messages that are masterfully captured in a number of audio and video series that includes: In the Meantime, I’ve Worked Too Hard For This, God says I’m Good, Do This Before You Quit, I’ve Finally Figured It Out, Fully Charged for God, Winning the Battle over Strongholds, I am the One, and his most recently noted sermon, For Better or For Worse.

2010 was a distinguished year as Dr. Pollard received numerous honors and awards. He received a Doctorate of Ministry from the Covenant Bible College and Seminary in Texas. He was recognized as “The Pastor of the Year” by the National Association of Gospel Promoters and Dr. Pollard was also inducted into the Morehouse College Board of Preachers. In 2012, he was honored for his service in ministry and the community with an “In the Spirit Award”. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Gospel Choice “2013 Chosen Pastor of the Year Award”.

His wife of twenty-six years, Lady Libby J. Pollard, his daughters, Gabrielle and Danielle, his siblings, Denise and Reginald, all support his ministry vision immensely and bountifully reap the many benefits of him being husband, father and brother.

The Enon family and community remain enriched and blessed as the wealth of spiritual guidance exudes from Dr. Gregory L. Pollard, Pastor/Teacher.