Rev. Domecia “D. J.” Manuel
D. J. Manuel was born and raised in
Birmingham, Alabama. He is a graduate of
Auburn University where he received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts /
Religious Studies and a second Bachelor of
Arts degree in Business Administration.
During his time at Auburn he accepted
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and
became actively involved in campus
In May of 1996 he married the former
Melissa Barnes. Reverend and Dr. Manuel
have been happily married for 21 years and
have two children; DeVonti, and Faith Marie.
In June of 1996 he accepted the call to the
ministry and was licensed and ordained by
Dr. Samuel L. Matt, Pastor of Galilee
Missionary Baptist Church, in Birmingham, Alabama. Upon completion of his
ordination, Reverend Manuel joined with the Rehoboth Baptist Church, of Valley,
Alabama and served as an Associate Minister for two years.
Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Manuel family joined the ministry work of
Reverend H. Frank Centrallo at Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church,
Tuskegee, Alabama where they served faithfully for 10 years. Today, Reverend
Manuel is the Pastor of Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and has
served the church and the community for ten years.
Additionally, Reverend Manuel is an active member of the Macon County
Ministers’ Council where he currently serves as president. He also serves as
Secretary for the Auburn District Association of Alabama Missionary Baptists and
Webmaster for the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention, the Southeast
District State Convention of Alabama Baptists, and a host of other businesses,
churches, non-profits and faith-based organizations.