E. Shon HagwoodRev. E. Shon Hagwood was born on May 20, 1975 in Eden, North Carolina to the former Patricia Ann Broadnax and Elbert Lee Hagwood.  Rev. Hagwood accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in May 1982 and was baptized at the Sunny Home Baptist Church in Eden, North Carolina.

Under the tooling of his church body, Rev. Hagwood began to receive the necessary training and teaching of the Bible while exploring the various spiritual gifts that God has blessed him with.  He was an active member of the Youth & Young Adult Choir and Male Chorus while serving at his home church.

At the age of 16, God anointed Rev. Hagwood with the gift of speaking and orator ship.  This gift was evidenced in oratorical competitions for the General Baptist State Convention of NC (Cedar Grove Baptist Association) in 1991.  After graduating from J.M. Morehead High School in 1993, Rev. Hagwood attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA.

While at Morehouse, Rev. Hagwood was an active student leader, a Residential Assistant, and coached/refereed several intramural sports activities.  In May 1997, Rev. Hagwood graduated cum laude from Morehouse College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with a concentration in Mathematics.  After his undergraduate work, Rev. Hagwood returned to North Carolina and has worked for several corporate entities in Raleigh and Charlotte in the areas of finance and data analytics.

In the spring of 2003, Rev. Hagwood finally submitted to God’s call to ministry and preached his licensing sermon “When Love Calls You Home” on April 7, 2004 at the Mount Carmel Baptist Church where the Rev. Dr. Casey R. Kimbrough is pastor.  In May 2009, Rev. Hagwood received the Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and was ordained on October 4th, 2009 by the Mount Carmel Baptist Church by way of the then Mecklenburg General Baptist Association (now the United Missionary Baptist Association) in Charlotte, NC.