Pastor Tracy B. Wheeler, Sr., has a tremendous passion for God’s word coupled with a love for God’s people. He has a contagious spirit that flows through every facet of his ministry. Having received his mandate from God, Pastor Wheeler, obediently fulfills his calling as Senior Pastor of Greater Springfield Baptist Church.

Pastor Wheeler began his ministry as an evangelist, revivalist and a musician, sharing the gospel in cities throughout the nation.

In 2007, he was called to the pastorate of Greater Springfield Baptist Church, a historical beacon in Atlanta for over one hundred plus years.

Since his pastorate at GSBC the membership has expanded. He seeks to spread the message through his vision for the church: “Preparing the Total Man”. With over 25 plus active ministries, Greater Springfield is making a difference in the lives of its parishioners and the community.

His vision is uncompromisingly clear, with one central principle – to build a better community one life at a time, as we seek, save, support, shape and serve; which he firmly believes is mandated in Matthew 28:18-20, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations”.

Pastor Wheeler is a graduate of Washington County High School, Sandersville, Georgia.

Under his pastorate the church has undergone a massive renovation effort in 2010. The renovation has improved the general appearance of the church, and provides the members and visitors with a peaceful, inviting, and a warm church in which to worship.

Pastor Wheeler along with a dynamic ministry team, are dedicated servants of God, working together to make Greater Springfield Baptist Church – a ministry that empowers and equips people to maximize their potential by understanding and living their created purpose in Christ.