Pastor Eric Vincent Thomas, Preacher, Teacher is the Pastor of the Saint Peter Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia
Pastor Thomas accepted Christ at the Saint Peter Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Dr. Solomon Randolph. He accepted the call to preach and delivered his first sermon on September 30, 1990 at the Saint Peter Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend Howard W. Creecy, Jr., and was ordained to preach the gospel in 1995.
He served at the Emanuel Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Mitzi Bickers in various areas of ministry. Pastor Thomas was called to be the 5th Pastor of the Saint Peter Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, March 7, 2004. He accepted the call to lead this local Body of Christ. Under his dynamic leadership, he has made several noteworthy accomplishments. Many programs and ministries have been revived and established. 24 hours of corporate prayer was added to the intercessory prayer ministry. The “Go Ye Revival” was established and the S.W.A.T. Evangelism Team. The Children’s Church was revived, the Youth Ministry extended to Saturday Youth witnessing classes, Couples, Men and Women’s Ministries were revived, the Christian Education Ministry was re-organized and the Nehemiah Classes (lessons prepared by the Pastor) began, among many other outreach ministries.
Pastor Thomas has been published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and other periodicals, and is an active member of the PNBC, Southern Region PNBC and The New Era State Convention. Also, several local community organizations. He published his 1st book in 2008 “God’s Certain Word in an Uncertain World”. Pastor Thomas attended North Carolina A. & T State University in Greensboro, North Carolina where he majored in Political Science. Also, he attended the Interdenominational Theological Center and Carver Bible College. Pastor Thomas is married to Attorney Anita Thomas; they have 2 sons Eric Isaiah and Noah Vincent. Prayer is what he believes ministries are based upon. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men”. I Timothy, 2:1