Bishop James Harold Morton was born the fourth of nine children, May 8, 1946, in Windsor Ontario, Canada, to the late Bishop C.L. Morton, Sr., and the late Evangelist Matilda E. Morton.
Under his father’s ministry, God anointed Bishop J.H. Morton to serve in various capacities at an early age. During his upbringing and tenure in his father’s ministry Bishop served as minister of music; which allowed him to develop his talents as an accomplished and renowned musician and singer. He later went on to serve as the music director for the late Rev. C.L. Franklin. The extent of his talents were also noted in collaborations with other artists such as Aretha Franklin, Vanessa Bell-Armstrong, his brother, Bishop Paul S. Morton, the late Rev. James Cleveland, and many more. Among some of his most noted renditions are “Amazing Grace,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” and “I’m Satisfied with Jesus.”
Bishop Morton answered the call to preach the gospel in 1968, and two years later became pastor of the True Faith Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan, where he remained until 1984. In 1984, relocated to Atlanta, Georgia and was called to pastor Thankful Baptist Church. On the second Sunday in August of 1993, God’s plan for his people extended to new spiritual horizons and New Beginning Full Gospel Baptist Church was birthed with a congregation of 1,400. Worship services were held in the Decatur High School gym for approximately nine months. In accordance to God’s plan, on June 5, 1994, Bishop James H. Morton led the New Beginning congregation to their current location on Valley Brook Road in Decatur, Georgia. From his God-given vision and through his dynamic, unique preaching style and anointed leadership; the spirited congregation has grown. Currently, New Beginning offers over 50 ministries to meet the needs of God’s people and is committed to the building of God’s kingdom on earth through: Exalting the Savior, Evangelizing the Sinner and Equipping the Saints.
Bishop Paul S. Morton, former Presiding Bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church (FGBC) Fellowship and pastor consecrated his brother, Bishop James Morton as a Bishop in the Full Gospel Baptist Church International Fellowship in August of 1994, of which he serves on the Bishop’s Council.
Bishop James H. Morton humbly incorporates all of his God-given talents in order to reach the masses for Christ. His CD released with the New Beginning FGBC Mass Choir, “With My Whole Heart,” has changed and blessed the lives of many. Some have been inspired by sermons such as “Angels in the Graveyard,” and Grapes, Giants, and Grasshoppers,” and “The Eagle Stirs Her Nest.” Countless others have found solace and peace through songs such as “Shine On Me” with Bishop Carlton Pearson on the Live At Azusa 99′ release. Still others have found joy and faith from his singing with Bishop Paul Morton’s first Full Gospel Baptist Church Recording Choir CD. Regardless of the medium, Bishop James H. Morton follows the leading of the Spirit of God so that men might always know that in Jesus Christ, something good has already happened to you!
Bishop James H. Morton is the proud father of three children: James, Jr., Kimberly, and Jason; he is also a very proud grandfather.