Pastor Eric Wendel Lee, Sr. has a litany of accomplishments and experiences from various disciplines and fields. A graduate of Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, Pastor Lee earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in History (1993), and was thereafter deemed by Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Nashville, Tennessee, as their Kelly Smith Scholar. Deeply affected by the plight of the poor and the disinherited, Pastor Lee concentrated in Ethics, Religion and Society at Vanderbilt, receiving honors for his senior project. During this time he served as a Radio Talk Show Host at Fisk University (1994/1995) and labored with the Nashville city government in work force development. Pastor Lee also worked as a Professional Child Advocate in Indianapolis, Indiana and in Atlanta, Georgia.

Subsequent to receiving the Master of Divinity degree on May 10th, 1996, Pastor Lee was ordained into the Christian Ministry on May 11th. Thereafter he continued in pursuit of “the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” via Youth Ministry, Music Ministry and the Preached Word. In July 1994, Pastor Lee joined with the former Meik L. John in lifelong, holy matrimony. The Lord has blessed their union with four children. Their eldest, Eric Wendel Lee II was born in October 1998; daughter Elizabeth Wonder Lee was born in November 2001 followed by their son Emmanuel Warrick Lee, born in July 2003. The Lee family was blessed with the addition of a third son, Ellis Wynton Lee, in December 2009.

In May of 1999, Pastor Lee was called to the Senior Pastorate of the Springfield Baptist Church (SBC) in Covington, Georgia. As a result of his “Proclaiming and Explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ”, his calling has contributed to an explosive era of church GROWTH at Springfield. A third generational Pastor, Pastor Lee has boldly pursued the Lord and continues to navigate SBC through the intricacies of God’s Vision for qualitative spiritual development and quantitative GROWTH.