The Zion Missionary Baptist Association is delighted that you have chosen to view our site. Our Theme: “Live By The Spirit” Galatians 5:16 ( KJV).
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
We are making great progress to ensure that our member churches are served well and thank you for your prayers and support. Please feel free to revisit our site for upcoming events and important dates.
Rev. J. Vann Clyburn, Moderator
On this our Centennial Observance, we are grateful to the Churches and official staff of the Zion Baptist Association in their efforts to convey the messages of salvation in our land. These efforts, by our dedicated members both living and dead, have taken roots in the hearts of suffering humanity.
Zion Association has produced many prominent Ministers, some have merited Nation and International recognition. In addition to the above profession are physicians, dentists, lawyers, teachers, farmers, merchants, etc., all of which are justly proud.
We also thank God for speaking to you and to us in our times. Never before has our faith been challenged as provocatively as it is today amidst the restlessness and uncertainty which surround us.
For many years this fellowship has had continuous history. Since its beginning many souls have been led to Christ and many hearts have been inspired to do the Lord’s work.
To be able to share in the history and celebration of this Centennial at the Deep Creek Baptist Church, the home of the founder, is a privilege beyond words. We are a part of a rich heritage, a noble history and an illustrious past. God has blessed this Association in a special way. She has grown spiritually, numerically and materially because of strong leadership and loyal followers. She has had her struggles but always emerged strong and more determined. Zion has a spirit which is distinctively her own. We consider ourselves one big family.
This celebration comes at a time of rapid change. For some people it produces fears, for others it produces frustration, but for the adventurous it is accepted as a challenge. Zion, with its adventurous spirit, welcomes the challenge.
We are now looking toward the future. We know what our past has been. We cannot sit down on past achievements but must use them as solid standing ground to push forward. We know what our present is.
Our heritage must now serve as a connecting link between the present and the future. The more glorious our history, the more noble our heritage, the more illustrious our past, the greater is our responsibility.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2A (RSV)